You've chosen a terrific way of integrating images and text into your website. Move the image anywhere you want in this container and the text will automatically wrap around it. You can display events team members new products and more easily and creatively. To start add an image from the Image Picker and edit it as you would edit any image in the system. For example you can link the image to existing pages in your site a website URL a popup or an anchor. After you've chosen the image add your text. You can add text that describes the image you've selected or simply use the image for decorative purposes. \nYou've chosen a terrific way of integrating images and text into your website. Move the image anywhere you want in this container and the text will automatically wrap around it. You can display events team members new products more easily and creatively. To start add an image from the Image Picker and edit it as you would edit any image in the system. For example you can link the image to existing pages in your site a website URL a popup or an anchor. After you've chosen the image add your text. You can add text that describes the image you've selected or simply use the image for decorative purposes.

Contact Us

Get 250 cards shipped to you for FREE:

Share America's Revival Effort On:

Our Goal

Our coalition of major ministries plan to send out fifty million evangelism cards and engage in unparalleled revival efforts starting right NOW! This will culminate on Sunday 3/16 when we plan for one million people to receive a card and hear from Christians like you, "I may never see you again, so I wanted to give you this, it's a website that proves Jesus loves you."  Ninety-nine percent of people will take the card. The cards are being shipped for FREE with simple instructions on what to say. One side brings unbelievers to a website to answer their questions and find a church. The other side allows believers to order their own cards. Think how fast the effort will multiply if there are 20 million cards in circulation! 

When you join us, you become part of a Christ following community that takes the 

Great Commission seriously.

Click here to order your cards.

The Card

How does this card work?

The front of the card helps the unbeliever get incredible video answers to their questions and find a church. You can see what they see by clicking here:

The back helps Christian's order their own free cards. The more Christians that get cards to hand out the faster it spreads.

 It's easy to hand out the cards. Just say, "I may never see you again, so I wanted to give you this. It proves Jesus loves you." (Instructions come in the card box)

You won't be alone! When you order cards, you will be invited to join our special online community events, where we share stories and pray together. God is calling you to share Him with others and this card makes that job easy. What are you waiting for?

Also, there is an easy training video included with your shipment of cards. Start by watching it right now!

Training Video


Get 200 cards shipped to you for  FREE!

Our Goal

Our coalition of major ministries plan to send out fifty million evangelism cards and engage in unparalleled revival efforts starting right NOW! This will culminate on Sunday 3/16 when we plan for one million people to receive a card and hear from Christians like you, "I may never see you again, so I wanted to give you this, it's a website that proves Jesus loves you."  Ninety-nine percent of people will take the card. The cards are being shipped for FREE with simple instructions on what to say. One side brings unbelievers to a website to answer their questions and find a church. The other side allows believers to order their own cards. Think how fast the effort will multiply if there are 20 million cards in circulation! 

When you join us, you become part of a Christ following community that takes the 

Great Commission seriously. Click here to order your cards.


John 3:16

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will live and never die."

On Sunday 10/13 our goal is to reach ONE million people with the Gospel in ONE day using FREE

The free cards allow you to simply walk up to someone and say, "I may never see you again, so I wanted to give you this. It's a website that proves Jesus loves you." The site has video answers to life's hard questions and a church location system.



"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

To prepare the nation for God to bring about revival, join us on Sunday 7/14 in raising awareness of the need for repentance in the Church for our lack of interest in the Great Commission (Visit the FAQ for more information). Along with this, we are asking all Christians to set a daily reminder at 7:14 PM to pray for the lost, our land, and for boldness in sharing our faith.


John 3:16

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in me will live and never die.'"

On Sunday 3/16 our goal is to reach 1 million people with the Gospel in ONE day using FREE cards. We plan to reach millions  more before and after this day,  as the movement continues to grow.

The cards allow you to simply walk up to someone and say, "I may never see you again, so I wanted to give you this. It's a website that proves Jesus loves you." The site has video answers to life's hard questions and a church location system.



"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

To prepare the nation for God to bring about revival, on Sunday 7/14 we raised awareness of the need for repentance in the Church for our lack of interest in the Great Commission (Visit the FAQ for more information). Along with this, we are asking all Christians to set a daily reminder at 7:14 PM to pray for the lost, our land, and for boldness in sharing our faith.

Share America's Revival Effort On:

The Card

How does this card work?

The front of the card helps the unbeliever get incredible video answers to their questions and find a church. You can see what they see by clicking here: The back helps Christian's order their own free cards. The more Christians that get cards to hand out the faster it spreads.

 It's easy to hand out the cards. Just say, "I may never see you again, so I wanted to give you this. It proves Jesus loves you."

You won't be alone! When you order cards, you will be invited to join our special online community events, where we share stories and pray together. God is calling you to share Him with others and this card makes that job easy. What are you waiting for?

Also, there is an easy training video included with your shipment of cards. Start by watching it right now!

Training Video


Help your people be obedient in sharing their faith with these free gifts!

Help us bring people to your church! When people go to, they'll find a church directory waiting to help them find a home church. Let your pastor know they can register your church for FREE today!

Every church pastor can get FREE Truth cards sent to their church. We all know it is hard to get the church to be evangelistic. These cards help the Church make Jesus's last command, their first priority.

SaturateUSA is reaching 120 million homes in America with free gift bags, which include Jesus Film DVD's,  a Gospel tract, and your church's information.

Help us bring people to your church! When people go to, they'll find a church directory waiting to help them find a home church. Let your pastor know they can register your church for FREE today!

Every church pastor can get FREE Truth cards sent to their church. We all know it is hard to get the church to be evangelistic. These cards help the Church make Jesus's last command, their first priority.

SaturateUSA is reaching 120 million homes in America with free gift bags, which include Jesus Film DVD's,  a Gospel track, and your church's information.


Help your people be obedient in sharing their faith with these free gifts!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When should I order cards?

    Right Now! Before 10/13 we want you to receive your cards and practice as much as possible. In fact we want you to sow as many seeds of faith with these cards as you can. Let us know when you run out so we can send you more!

  • Why do we need to repent for our lack of interest in the Great Commission first?

    One of the primary areas that every Christian needs to address is our apathy towards the lost. Wouldn't we want someone to tell us about Jesus if we didn't know Him? If Heaven is real, then Hell is real. If we are going to Heaven with Jesus, people around us without Jesus are going to Hell. We need to repent for not loving the people around us as ourselves. 

    We are called to share the Good News! When we are not sharing our faith, we are not wearing the full armor of God. If we repent of our apathy and share the Gospel often, then it will lead to us having victory over sin in other areas of our lives.

  • How can a Church get involved?

    We are asking for every Evangelical Protestant Church in America to be involved in this 10/13 revival effort. We want to help bring believers and unbelievers to your Church through our exclusive Church location system, supply free cards to your congregation, and provide free gift bags to every unbeliever in your community. Please click here to visit’s pastors sign up page and recieve these free gifts.

  • Should we focus on organizing events for 3/16?

    Yes, you are welcome to organize events centered around 3?16 and the Evangelism Cards. Just keep in mind that our main goal is for as many Christians as possible to evangelize the way the Bible instructs us to.

  • Is this a denominational effort?

    No, we believe this is an “all-hands-on-deck” moment for our world, so we work alongside all types of Evangelical Protestant Churches.

  • How do I get other people involved?

    You can easily Share with other people at so that they can get their own cards sent to them for free. You can also get your entire Church involved by sharing this website with your Pastor. Spread this movement by tagging any of your social media posts with #1013revival and following our Instagram page too. 

  • How are you expecting to share the Gospel with 50 million people with Evangelism cards?

    We estimate that there are around 50 million families in the United States and we would like these evangelism cards to each of them. Currently, there are thousands of cards being handed out every day, and as the 1013 Revival movement grows, so does the card distribution. Of course, this would never be successful without God’s blessing on us so we expect everyone participating to take the mission of the cards seriously and continue handing them out before and after 10/13. On more in a single day, 10/13, we will continue to raise the daily goal together until we reach 50 million before 2025. 

  • How do we hand out the cards?

    Click this link to watch our Official training video.


  • When should I order cards?

    Right Now! Before 10/13 we want you to receive your cards and practice as much as possible. In fact we want you to sow as many seeds of faith with these cards as you can. Let us know when you run out so we can send you more!

  • Why do we need to repent for our lack of interest in the Great Commission first?

    One of the primary areas that every Christian needs to address is our apathy towards the lost. Wouldn't we want someone to tell us about Jesus if we didn't know Him? If Heaven is real, then Hell is real. If we are going to Heaven with Jesus, people around us without Jesus are going to Hell. We need to repent for not loving the people around us as ourselves. 

    We are called to share the Good News! When we are not sharing our faith, we are not wearing the full armor of God. If we repent of our apathy and share the Gospel often, then it will lead to us having victory over sin in other areas of our lives.

  • How can a Church get involved?

    We are asking for every Evangelical Protestant Church in America to be involved in this 10/13 revival effort. We want to help bring believers and unbelievers to your Church through our exclusive Church location system, supply free cards to your congregation, and provide free gift bags to every unbeliever in your community. Please click here to visit’s pastors sign up page and recieve these free gifts.

  • Should we focus on organizing events for 3/16

    Yes, you are welcome to organize events centered around 3/16 and the Evangelism Cards. Just keep in mind that our main goal is for as many Christians as possible to evangelize the way the Bible instructs us to.

  • Is this a denominational effort?

    No, we believe this is an “all-hands-on-deck” moment for our world, so we work alongside all types of Evangelical Protestant Churches.

  • How do I get other people involved?

    You can easily Share with other people at so that they can get their own cards sent to them for free. You can also get your entire Church involved by sharing this website with your Pastor. Spread this movement by tagging any of your social media posts with #1013revival and following our Instagram page too. 

  • How are you expecting to share the Gospel with 50 million people with Evangelism cards?

    We estimate that there are around 50 million families in the United States and we would like these evangelism cards to each of them. Currently, there are thousands of cards being handed out every day, and as the 1013 Revival movement grows, so does the card distribution. Of course, this would never be successful without God’s blessing on us so we expect everyone participating to take the mission of the cards seriously and continue handing them out before and after 10/13. On more in a single day, 10/13, we will continue to raise the daily goal together until we reach 50 million before 2025. 

  • How do we hand out the cards?

    Click this link to watch our Official training video.

Make an Unforgettable Revival Impact in America

We are full steam ahead to reach 50,000,000 people before 2024 with real opportunity to start a revival. We need to order millions more cards to be ready to ship them for free to avoid shipping delays. A Christian printing company giving us a tremendous deal where we get 1,000,000 cards printed for $15,000 and shipped to the warehouse. Those 1,000,000 cards will be separated into 4,000 boxes of 250. To pack and ship these boxes we need  $40,000. So that means to reach 1,000,000 people, we need to raise $55,000. That is only .05 cents for a person to be handed a card to help them go to heaven and to help also be a part of ushering in a revival to help save America. 

Any amount helps to move us forward but below you will see larger opportunities to give. We are so privileged to offer you such incredible opportunities to reach so many people with the gospel.  If you want to do monthly gift we can add them together to reach the goal amount.  Select "Custom Amount" and notify us in the comments about what opportunity you choose. is a non profit organization. If you would like for your gift to be tax deductible please visit this link. Send checks to:

ShareTheTruthNOW - PO Box 62 - Goode, VA 24556


Make an Unforgettable Impact With America's Revival Effort

We are full steam ahead to reach 50,000,000 people before 2024 with real opportunity to start a revival. We need to order millions more cards to be ready to ship them for free to avoid shipping delays. A Christian printing company giving us a tremendous deal where we get 1,000,000 cards printed for $15,000 and shipped to the warehouse. Those 1,000,000 cards will be separated into 4,000 boxes of 250. To pack and ship these boxes we need  $40,000. So that means to reach 1,000,000 people, we need to raise $55,000. That is only .05 cents for a person to be handed a card to help them go to heaven and to help also be a part of ushering in a revival to help save America. 

We have to stay ahead of the orders so the shipping time is not delayed. That means right now donations are more important than ever. Any amount helps to move us forward but below you will see larger opportunities to give. We are so privileged to offer you such incredible opportunities to reach so many people with the gospel.  If you want to do monthly gift we can add them together to reach the goal amount.  Select "Custom Amount" and notify us in the comments about what opportunity you choose.

Arena Award

For helping 25,000 people in America hear the Gospel. That's enough people to fill a Arena. For recognition of your gift to the lost and to Jesus, will give you our Arena Award with a commemorative plaque to always remind you of what you did for the Kingdom of God. Also you can write a message on our tribute wall, and receive a signed copy of Evangelism Boot Camp and a special thank you call from the President of Please select the amount for $1,250.

Stadium Award

For helping 50,000 people in America hear the Gospel. That's enough people to fill a Stadium. For recognition of your gift to the lost and to Jesus, will give you our Stadium Award with a commemorative plaque to always remind you of what you did for the Kingdom of God. You also can write a message on our tribute wall, and receive a signed copy of Evangelism Boot Camp and a special thank you call from the President of Please select the amount for $2,500.

Festival Award

For helping 100,000 people in America hear the Gospel. That's enough people to fill a very large music festival venue. For recognition of your gift to the lost and to Jesus, will give you our Festival Award with a commemorative plaque to always remind you of did for the Kingdom of God. You can write a message on our tribute wall, and receive a  signed copy of Evangelism Boot Camp, and receive a special thank you call from the President of Please select the amount for $5000.


Just Five Cents Reaches One American With the Gospel is a non profit organization. If you would like for your gift to be tax deductible please visit this link.

Send checks to:


PO Box 62

Goode VA 24556

Arena Award

For helping 25,000 people in America hear the Gospel. That's enough people to fill a Arena. For recognition of your gift to the lost and to Jesus, will give you our Arena Award with a commemorative plaque to always remind you of what you did for the Kingdom of God. Also you can write a message on our tribute wall, and receive a signed copy of Evangelism Boot Camp and a special thank you call from the President of Please select custom amount for $1,250.

Stadium Award

For helping 50,000 people in America hear the Gospel. That's enough people to fill a Stadium. For recognition of your gift to the lost and to Jesus, will give you our Stadium Award with a commemorative plaque to always remind you of what you did for the Kingdom of God. You also can write a message on our tribute wall, and receive a signed copy of Evangelism Boot Camp and a special thank you call from the President of Please select custom amount for $2,500.

Festival Award

For helping 100,000 people in America hear the Gospel. That's enough people to fill a very large music festival venue. For recognition of your gift to the lost and to Jesus, will give you our Festival Award with a commemorative plaque to always remind you of did for the Kingdom of God. You can write a message on our tribute wall, and receive a  signed copy of Evangelism Boot Camp, and receive a special thank you call from the President of Please select custom amount for $5000. is a non profit organization. If you would like for your gift to be tax deductible please visit this link. Send checks to: ShareTheTruthNOW, PO Box 62, Goode VA 24556

Make an Unforgettable Revival Impact in America

We are full steam ahead to reach 50,000,000 people before 2024 with real opportunity to start a revival. We need

to order millions more cards to be ready to ship them for free to avoid shipping delays. A Christian printing company giving us a tremendous deal where we get 1,000,000 cards printed for $15,000 and shipped to the warehouse. Those 1,000,000 cards will be separated into 4,000 boxes of 250. To pack and ship these boxes we need  $40,000. So that means to reach 1,000,000 people, we need to raise $55,000. That is only .05 cents for a person to be handed a card to help them go to heaven and to help also be a part of ushering in a revival to help save America. 

We have to stay ahead of the orders so the shipping time is not delayed. That means right now donations are more important than ever. Any amount helps to move us forward but below you will see larger opportunities to give. We are so privileged to offer you such incredible opportunities to reach so many people with the gospel.  If you want to do monthly gift we can add them together to reach the goal amount.  Select "Custom Amount" and notify us in the comments about what opportunity

 you choose.

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  • Title or Question

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
  • Title or Question

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
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